I have just entered into my last week of The Bridge 3.0. It has went really well, doing this while in a deficit and do far I have lost around 7-8lbs (192<200), waist 39"<40". My goal is to get waist to around 37-38" so I feel I am on my way toward that too. I was going to repeat The Bridge 3.0 but I have HLM and its set-up very similar 3 x strength days and 2 x GPP/conditioning, just some different exercise selection. I plan to keep the cut going over the next 8 weeks of HLM, get weight to around 185ish and waist in that 37-38" range then end the cut increase cals back to around maintenance and really try to push my numbers up some using the 12 week Strength Template as I also have that too. Does this look like a sensible approach? Or would you suggest a better way? Appreciate any feedback/advice.