Docs and Friends,
I’ve recently acquired a rowing machine which I plan to use for a majority of my LISS and HIIT work moving forward. Given that prior to starting my first BBM template 10 weeks ago, I was ignoring GPP & conditioning, I’d like to find a way to measure progress related to my general conditioning. Specifically looking at measurements rowing machines provide, should I use distance rowed at a similar stroke rate and RPE as a measure of progress or is there a better way? This method seems to really measure power output (more distance per stroke); would keeping RPE consistent may balance that?
(uninformed numbers ahead)
1000M at 15 SPM, RPE6 in 6 minutes
1000M at 15 SPM, RPE6 in 5:45
The other obvious variable to measure would be stroke rate, but try to keep power output nearly constant from session to session as well as RPE. Can I row faster, but not push harder at the same RPE? Somehow this feels flawed, but I can’t quite put my finger on why.
Also, any thoughts on The 24 Week Pete’s Plan to get started? I was thinking of modifying his interval days as HIIT days and keeping the rest the same.