Measuring Conditioning Improvement via Rowing Machine

Docs and Friends,

I’ve recently acquired a rowing machine which I plan to use for a majority of my LISS and HIIT work moving forward. Given that prior to starting my first BBM template 10 weeks ago, I was ignoring GPP & conditioning, I’d like to find a way to measure progress related to my general conditioning. Specifically looking at measurements rowing machines provide, should I use distance rowed at a similar stroke rate and RPE as a measure of progress or is there a better way? This method seems to really measure power output (more distance per stroke); would keeping RPE consistent may balance that?

(uninformed numbers ahead)
1000M at 15 SPM, RPE6 in 6 minutes
1000M at 15 SPM, RPE6 in 5:45

The other obvious variable to measure would be stroke rate, but try to keep power output nearly constant from session to session as well as RPE. Can I row faster, but not push harder at the same RPE? Somehow this feels flawed, but I can’t quite put my finger on why.

Also, any thoughts on The 24 Week Pete’s Plan to get started? I was thinking of modifying his interval days as HIIT days and keeping the rest the same.

Our templates include a discussion about how to progress elements of GPP, including conditioning.

That said, the stroke rate has little to do with progressive overload or improvement here. Rather, the distance completed (or other metric) in a given amount of time at a given RPE would be the benchmark.

Apologies, I attempted to be a good student and re-read both the Hypertrophy I and Powerbuilding I templates a few times before posting. I’ll agree that the rowing plan I linked is aligned for different goals, and I’ll just stick to the template. I’m just excited about finally getting the erg and using it.

Thanks for the 2nd bit as I didn’t see any information about measuring conditioning in either PDF on a consistent, long-term basis.