Hello Mr Feigenbaum or Mr. Baraki. I’ve heard you guys say in your podcasts that you disagree with milking out LP, like switching to 5x3, 5rm with 2 back offs, etc, because it reduces volume which is what you need more of. This brought me to ask a few questions:
Do you guys use the DL/Chin/PC/Chin cycle with your novices? It seems like that is very little deadlift volume. Right now I’m alternating deadlifts and PCleans, without chins. Should I switch to the Dl/Chin/PC/Chin cycle when I stall on deads? Or just add chins to power clean days?
In your podcast called “Tips and tricks for LP” Jordan says he likes to alternate 5x5 with 5x3 with the upper body lifts when they stall. Can you do the same for squats? Or would you just switch to intermediate after you have stalled on 3x5, assuming that you have already added a light day.
Ive read PP, but I understand some of the stuff in their on Stress/Recovery/Adaptation is flawed according to what you guys say. Thanks for any help!
Thanks for the post and happy to have you. To your questions:
Nope. I think that when you stall on deadlifts in LP you should add more sets of deadlifts.
You can do that, sure. However, I think that once you start modifying LP in this manner you should be plotting changing the programming to reflect your post-novice needs.
Thanks for the reply. So would you do them 2 or 3 times a week? Weighted or unweighted? Should I start deadlifting just once a week instead of alternating deads and cleans? For example deadlift Monday, weighted chins Wednesday, power clean and BW chins Friday? Also I wanted the ask you about your article “press like a pro”.If one were to use that technique, do you consciously fire your hips back like in Tommy Sugg’s video, or is it more a strict press with a layback at the start? Thank you for your time.
The idea that one set of 5 on deadlift in the SSLP and then in an intermediate program is doomed to fail? I think the book PP makes that 1x5RM is more than enough, although Andy Baker seems to disagree.
Jordan, do you think to add volume and intensity to the deadlift day is better accomplished with 1x1 and than adding the back off sets, or is it difficult adding the weight on the bar on a weekly basis? Or 5 reps for intensity and than back offs? Or a mixture. Or it just depends?
I also wanted to make sure you were aware that the docs put out a suggested modification to NLP for when your upper body lifts start stagnate in a recent news letter. It is pretty common for them to be the first to reach a point of not getting enough stress to continue progressing. See:
We’d recommend doing the following as a direct plug-and-play for workouts A and B:
Workout A
Squats per SSLP
Bench x 1 @ +5% from last 5 x 3 sets on LP, then take 15% off the bar for 5 reps x 5 sets
Deadlift per SSLP
Press x 8 reps x 4 sets @ -12% from previous press 5 x 3 sets on LP
Workout B
Squats per SSLP
Press 1 @ +5% from last 5 x 3 sets, then take 15% off the bar for 4 reps x 6 sets
Power Cleans or Rows per SSLP
Close grip bench x 8 reps x 4 sets @ -15% from previous bench press 5 x 3 sets on LP
-Attempt to add 2.5-5lbs per week on all sets without going above RPE (rate or perceived exertion) 8, which denotes having approximately 2 reps left in reserve, i.e. you could’ve done another 2 reps before failing.
-Bench presses are touch and go. You can use a belt if you like.
Presses are done from a dead stop. You can also use a belt if you like.
-Rest 4-5 minutes between work sets
Alternate A and B workouts as you were on Starting Strength LP (SSLP)
-When your squat and deadlift stop increasing on SSLP, start The Bridge.
I know of someone who would argue that it’s more than enough until it’s too much and then you have to alternate it with rack pulls and halting deads so you only do each once every 3 weeks
Thanks for all the feedback! Mr Baraki, so your saying you prefer for me to stick to alternating deadlifts and power cleans, instead of deadlifting once a week?