I’ve been doing a lot of high volume training (namely the BB and Powerbuilding templates) and am switching to lose some weight over the next 3 months. Given that my life will be more hectic, I’ll be doing outdoor sports, and my diet RPE will be higher, I’d like to limit my time and effort in the gym to the bare minimum necessary to maintain muscle mass (primary goal) and strength (secondary goal) for the next 3-4 months.
What is the minimum amount of training volume one could do in this situation? Are there any of your templates that fit the bill best, or can be modified to fit this goal?
I know you all say that any of the templates can be run in a deficit with great results, but I am being a bit more realistic with myself here: it’s a helluva lot easier to run a high volume, high commitment program like Strength I-III or Powerbuilding when one is eating at maintenance or a surplus due to reduced diet RPE.