I’ve recently purchased the bodybuilding template as i’ve been training with the beginner, powerbuilding I and powerbuilding II template for the past year or so and i’m looking to focuse on bodybuilding and putting on as much muscle as possible in an upcoming bulk that i’m planning on starting in the next couple of months. While I have been seeing great progress in terms of strength with the powerbuilding templates, i’m not completely satisfied with the amount of muscle mass the I gained in the past year or so of bulking (I started at ~69.7 kg @ ~13% bf in december of 2021, and I weighed ~76.0 kg @ ~15.8% bf around a month ago, while i’m currently maintaining my weight).
My main questions about the template are as follows:
- While the training volume in this template is higher than in the powerbuilding II template for example, it doesn’t seem that much higher considering the total amount of sets i’m currently doing in the powerbuilding II program. Also, the training volume actually seems quite a bit lower than some typical bodybuilding programs that are floated around social media, such as with a PPL split or similar programs.
Are there any reasons for the seemingly lower training volume in this program?
Also, as someone who has been training at the gym on and off for around 6 years (though only got back to training consistently around a year ago) and I feel that I can handle a decent amount of volume without burning out, would there be any benefits to further increasing the volume with more isolation exercises for example? (Visually speaking, my legs, forearms and delts are what i’d consider lagging body parts, so I was thinking of adding extra volume for these body parts).
As an additional question, would you start the bodybuilding template from block I in my case, or maybe jump forward to block II or III that already contain higher volume when I do eventually start this template?
I constantly see a lot of people on social media that say that for optimal muscle growth you need to be “training hard” and often should be taking sets to failure or past failure with drop sets and similar techniques (probably more so with isolation exercises). While there are quite a few sets taken to RPE 8-9 in the program, I didn’t see that there were sets taken to RPE 10. would you say that the fatigue accumilated from these sets aren’t worth it for the additional hypertrophy you might get out of sets such as these, or are these techniques worth doing when you get more advanced and want to focus on building as much muscle as possible?
While my main goal during my next bulk will be to put on as much muscle as possible, I am still planning on getting back in the future to more “powerbuilding” style training programs, and don’t want to lose the progress i’ve made during the past year with my strength. Is this something that you would be worried about in my case, or should I fully commit to bodybuilding style training for the next 6-10 months if my goal is to build as much muscle as possible during this upcoming bulk specifically?