I’m an 80 y/o training resistant ectomorph (6’, 170). My goal is to get steadily stronger over the next 5 years, as measured by my 5 RM deadlift. I’m currently doing the HLM program described in “The Barbell Prescription” and I like that approach. The basic template uses sets of 5.
Two questions: 1) I’ll continue, on my Heavy day, to do sets of 3-6 reps with an RPE of 8/9 for my DL and squat. Would you ever recommend occasional sets of 8-12 reps for hypertrophy, 2) If so, do those sets need to end in an RPE of 8 to be beneficial?
Are you satisfied with your current progress? If so, I do not see a good reason to make significant alterations to your training.
As for your questions:
We do not recommend a specific rep range for hypertrophy purposes. Rather, this is more a question of overall training volume rather than the number of reps in a particular set.
No, you can obtain benefits across a wide variety of intensity ranges, especially if the loads are over ~10RM (~70%), in which case even sets very far from failure can provide useful stimulus. See here.
Thanks Austin, that’s exactly what I needed to know. And the article on “Rethinking Proximity to Failure” looks very helpful.
I’m not satisfied with my current progress. I think that’s partly caused by me over-reacting to “The Barbell Prescription” saying “The quickest way to push a Master into a state of overtraining is through excessive volume”. I’m noceboing myself. And mostly caused by self-inflicted inconsistency. More volume more regularly makes a lot of sense.