Hey guys, so my dad came to me about getting in the gym a few weeks ago. I’m not a coach (yet, waiting for your guys cert.) and he’s a fast learner. He wants to get strong and be healthy at his age. He is 54, 5’7, has a waste size of about 38 maybe more, and around 185lbs. I may add some more health stuff to this later but over all he’s generally healthy for someone who doesn’t do a lot of physical activity beside work is butt off his whole life(mechanic). He’s stubborn and probably won’t pay for coaching but my plan is to get him going on his own training after I’ve spent good time with him making sure his lifts are clean, and then usher him over to these forums for another source of knowledge.
I know he needs to LP first, but with his age and measurements would you guys have him slowly gain weight while doing a bit of conditioning or what? I can coach the lifts but I wanna make sure I take him down the right path as far as gaining or loosing goes if he was 24 with the same.
Thanks guys.