Hey there coaches, I have 3 hopefully quick questions for you. I am gonna give a little bit of back ground to help with answering.
So I am 25 years old 5’6.25 and anywhere from 176-182lbs at 23% Body fat.( Currently running the bridge @Maintenance following Jordans advice)
My current goals are
a) continue to get stronger and eventually compete in PL around 181lbs after I graduate from college in May
b) eventually(whenever is the most optimal time to address this) fix this body fat ratio I am currently at.
My current 1rm estimations from the bridge are as follows(from week 4, so far progress is good)
SQ=350lb,DL=410lbs, OHP=135lbs, BP=205lbs
Some brief background and my questions, when I graduate in May I have to go to a geology field camp in Wyoming for 5 weeks, I know the schedule will roughly be 3-4 days on and 2-3 days off. On my off days I plan to go to town and train.
1.) With my current lifts goals and BF% in mind what kind of training and caloric sistuation would you suggest I do after I finish the bridge pre field camp.
2.) When I graduate in May and have to go to this field camp how would you suggest I structure my training to keep making progress or maitiain until I get back.
3.)If not after the bridge, when should and how should I address my goal of fixing this BF raitio?
Thanks for being such a big aid to me and others, can’t wait till I can graduate and eventually make enough money to afford coaching.