Neck pain

A few weeks ago my neck started hurting. The back of my neck has a dull ache. I’m not aware of anything that might have caused it. It doesn’t seem to interfere with any activity, which makes it difficult to apply the usual: do as much as you can without undue pain, then slowly increase load and ROM. I’ve tried periodically moving my head (look up, down, left, right, touch shoulders), but so far that has had no noticeable effect.

Is there anything useful I could be doing about this?

Hey quark - sorry to hear about your neck pain experience. We’d need an individual consult with you to work through this experience more and provide individual advice. Based on the info you’ve provided here, I often have folks go through ranges of motion to tolerance. Example:

2 sets x 10 - 15 repetitions with 3 - 5 count isometric hold at tolerable end range for:
Looking Down
Looking Up
Lateral flexion (ear to shoulder both directions)
Rotation (looking left and right)

How you position your body can challenge these movements, lying on your side or unsupported against gravity for example. If you are interested in a consultation with us, please complete our intake paperwork HERE.

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Your suggestion sounds very much like what I mentioned in my post, which I’ve been doing episodically, so I will try that in a more formal manner and see what happens. I believe my range of motion is unaffected by the neck pain.

Thank you.

FWIW, my neck is starting to feel somewhat better. Out of idle curiosity I wonder how much is due to (1) things often heal on their own, (2) continuing neck ROM exercises, (3) continuing neck ROM exercises after having them blessed by an expert (psycho social). Not that exact etiology is the prime issue.

All of that likely plays a role. I have a neck series coming out soon on the main website and we see fairly standard natural history in these scenarios just like in low back pain. Glad to hear you are feeling better.

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My neck was getting better, but then it got a bit worse and is staying there. I’m considering a consultation, but first, are there any biological/medical issues I should explore? I wouldn’t ask if the issue involved other body parts, but the head seems different. Also, if I did a consultation, could I have my coach on the call, as was your policy the last time I did a consultation?