Next template selection!

Hey Jordan and/or Austin

Hope you guys are both doing well.

I just have a question regarding the selection of my next template:

Training history: Training for ~1.5 years, started with beginner template (and milked it for a while), then ran PB1 1.5 times (disrupted by a COVID19 lockdown), ran beginner template again after lockdown and now currently finishing PB1. PB1 is going okay, adding anywhere from 0-4kg to my e1rm per week on the lifts.

I want to run strength 1 next as my goals are to get stronger but I also would like to eat at a calorie deficit to lean out a bit (hopefully losing around 4kg). I’m not overweight so wondering if it would significantly impact strength 1 progress at all. Should I still do Strength 1 or just run PB1 again during deficit?



Thanks for the post. I think Strength I would be a good choice if your top priority is strength gain in the “Big Three”. I do not think a modest energy deficit will affect progress and have no concerns with you doing that template going forward.


Thank you Jordan, this is very reassuring. Appreciate your evidence-based guidance as always.