I’ve finally manged to get some weights for home use, but haven’t been able to get a squat rack or bench yet - trying to think of exercises I can do with just the barbell but can’t think of any other than the below. Anybody got any to add?
Deadlift variations
Row variations
Clean (can’t jerk, ceiling too low)
Press on knees
I’ve had gyms in the past with only one squat rack that wasn’t available. Some of the other things I’d do in addition to what you have listed:
Clean the weight to a front squat position and do those
Clean the weight, then half push press it onto my back for high rep back squats (you don’t need full extension, just enough to get it over your head).
Get weights into position as in 2 but good mornings
Get weights into position as in 2 but split squats, lunges, etc.
Chest is the hardest. I would accept the machine if the bench was occupied, but without that option you’re probably looking at weighted pushups or some kind of high rep raised floor press with wood/blocks you have laying around.
For chest, you can do floor press. Grab til barbell with desired width and place it at hip level, then you “hip-thrust/glute-bridge” it in the bottom position of the floor press. When finished you have to drop the bar a bit though, should not be a problem with proper flooring/mats etc.
You could look at trying barbell hack squats and see if you want to give those a go. If you can get the barbell onto your back your could also do 3-0-3, or even 5-0-3 tempo squats depending on how light the weight is