28 year old, undertrained/skinny fat guy and I need to get in shape. I wan’t some hypertrophy gains, bigger arms and a good posture and I want to train 3 times per week for now.
I have barbell and plates, a bench, and an assault bike.
I would to squats and bench press if I had a rack but I will have to do without them for now.
Would something like this work you think?
Deadlifts 8x4 (reps x sets)
Barbell rows 12x4
Barbell lunges 12x4
Bicep curls 12x5
HIIT/sprints 10/20 4 min
Romanian deadlifts 12x4
OHP 8x5
Weighted push ups
Lateral raises with plates as dumbells
Planks 10 min total
HIIT 20/10 4 min
Deadlifts, 1 heavy single followed by 5x4 at 80%
Barbell rows 12x4
Bicep curls 12x5
Lying tricep extensions 8x5
HIIT 10/20 4 min
Will use low rest periods so workouts will take about 1 hour.
I think this should work as a decent hypertrophy setup and was planning on doing this for 3 months and then evaluate and adjust at that point.
Hello there.
I think this could work to a degree, but since you said you’re undertrained, I would suggest a slightly different approach.
Being on the BBM forum, I’d recommend that you use the usual 3 day template layout and sub in what you can for the different exercise slots.
It’s usually like this:
Day 1 - Primary squat, press variation 1, deadlift variation
Day 2 - Primary press, squat variation 1, vertical/horizontal pull
Day 3 - Primary deadlift, press variation 2, squat variation 2
For primary squat you can sub in zercher squat or jefferson deadlift. And floor press for primary bench (you should be able to hip thrust the weight into position).
Note that the 3rd movements aren’t necessarily always variations specific to the main lifts, but use similar muscles (eg. leg press for squats).
Arms, abs and some extra upper back stuff is done on the GPP days. I suppose you can fit it in the same days if you can’t find time.
If the powerlifts aren’t that important to you at the moment, then you have a wide array of exercises to choose from, and you can get away with 1-2x frequency for each muscle group per week, since the overall volume you need is likely on the low end.
I think this could work to a degree, but since