Novice LP twice a week

So, I’ve tried the Novice LP since Jan, with proper focus on the program since may (first few months was getting used to the setup). I felt exausted and not fully recovered doing three days a week and now find twice a week (Monday/Thursday) much more manageable, with 1kg inceases per workout instead of 2,5 kg (on squat and deadlift). Am I wasting my time with this method? My goal is to get as strong as possible for my weight since my main sport is weight-class based and I do not wish to add anymore muscle mass.

Where did you start, and what are your current training numbers?

They should be pretty good if you’ve been continually adding weight to the bar every workout since January.

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I only started “properly” adhering to the program since may and I also had to reset a few times due to vacation, back tweaks, a sinus infection etc. My numbers are embarrassingly low (started in Feb with 90kg work sets, got up to 112,5kg work sets on the squat and deadlift, 50kg on the press). But now that I’ve listened to your podcasts on the weekend and read the bridge 1.0 download, I’m thinking this microplate idea I have is only increasing my RPE per workout adding risk to injury, and not adding much in the way of strength. It’s probably time I move on to some sort of realistic volume program. Two sessions a week though, probably won’t do much.