Last week after my work out of squats, presses, and deadlift I noticed that the palm of my right hand was numb. This lasted for more than a day and yesterday it happened again. Is this something I should be concerned about? Would this be from over extending the wrist, compression on the palm, or something else?
Hey MCG - sorry to hear about your experience. Difficult to say what may be ongoing without a consultation. We’d be happy to consult with you. If you are interested, you can fill out our intake paperwork HERE. In the meantime, may be worth adjusting loading of the movements you specifically notice the numbness after to see if that helps with resolution or mitigating this from happening. Check out the Pain in Training: What do? article for general guidance on modifying programming. If this experience persisted or intensified, then likely worth consulting with someone, doesn’t have to be us. You can also consult with a local healthcare professional.