On Post-Novice Training:

I found the latest programming podcast hugely insightful and it agrees with my personal experience with “Intermediate/Advanced-Novice” training according to PPST. I hit a wall hard by following both the Advanced Novice recommendations and Intermediate programming ™ for my squats, while I increased volume on my presses and they continued to improve at a good rate.

I was wondering about three things that aren’t fully clear in my mind however:
1.) Will the post-novice overload event need a high-volume+light day combination to ensure recovery, or is the overload event still recoverable within 24-48 hours? From what I understand the high-volume is to increase training sensitivity, and my notes from the podcast don’t cover whether there is actually a need for a “light day” to help recovery. Hopefully I didn’t miss this detail.
2.) Will the higher volume usually be a matter of adding 2 sets? With my presses, 5*5 worked very well. So I imagine this would be the same measure to take with squats.
3.) Can initial post-novice trainees expect to experience an extended period (1-2 months) of adding around 5lbs twice a week?

Thanks for the great work you put out guys. I have started LP again after a long break and it’s going great. It would be nice to get post-novice training right this time as well; I doubt I’d stop lifting due to my schedule so easy if I get my squat up to 400lbs this time.

Hey Stilicho,

Thanks for posting. For your questions:

  1. I don’t tend to think about “overload events” as being discreet entities. Post novice training will require more volume and less recovery, as we need more stress to drive the adaptation and your recovery is getting better all the time. I’m not sure I would agree with doing “light” days without further context and clarification.

  2. I don’t think adding 2 sets is the default move for adding volume, especially if multiple programming variables are changing during the transition.

  3. I don’t think that’s a realistic generalization.

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Thanks for the quick reply Jordan, your answers cleared up things for me.

When can we expect the next programming podcast btw?

Probably next week!