Overshooting programming.

so I’m currently running your powerbuilding program which I’m really enjoying and on week 3 now but I have a question about overshooting so I started the program with my current 1RMs but am finding the working sets are harder than desired RPE I’m still managing to finish all reps sets but I feel my 1RM is higher than what I can/should be able to do for the workouts desired RPE is this common ?

how should I go about adjusting as I know the goal is to increase the e1RM for each exercise week by week depending on how you feel but I’m managing this but form is not perfect and RPE is probably more than what it should be so slight form break downs last rep or 2 nothing major.

so I’m probably guessing your answer is to just lower the weight? Even though my e1Rm will then be lower than my true 1 rep max ?

Or keep my current 1rm across all workouts/weeks and on good days try and increase the weight?
and if my first set of RPE 8 is truly 8 but the repeat sets are probably a little harder should I lower the weight for the repeat sets ?

Hopefully this makes sense thanks in advance.

I think it’s reasonable that your performance is reduced on higher rep efforts (or rep ranges you’re not familiar with) and as always, we would advise using the predicted loads (based on 1RM) as a guide to achieving the prescribed RPE.
