This past bench workout (and in a few other workouts in the past couple of months) i’ve been overshooting the RPE on some of the back of sets / top sets that are for multiple reps.
For example, today my bench session went like this (for my working sets - powerbuilding II, running for the second time, week 1):
85 kg x 4 reps @ ~RPE 6
90 kg x 4 reps @ ~RPE 7
95 kg x 4 reps @ RPE 10 (The first 3 reps looked and felt easy enough, though suddenly I found myself struggling to get the last rep up).
Another example is week 9 of powerbuilding II the previous time I was running the program (2 weeks ago):
105 kg x 1 rep @ ~RPE 8
95 kg x 3 reps @ ~RPE 8.5-9 (I was supposed to hit 3 reps @ RPE 8, which according to the RPE table is 86% of my e1rm, though 95 kg was only 83% of my e1rm for that session and it was still harder that it was supposed to be).
I don’t find that I have this problem in the other big lifts, and i’ve already had my bench form checked via the form check service.
Any ideas as to why it seems that I overshoot / struggle with higher rep sets on the bench? and what should I do going forward?