I work in a Seniors Gym prescribing exercise for individuals aged over 60+.
My employer has instructed we use 1RM testing and then prescribe exercise intensity based off percentage of estimated 1RM. I love RPE training myself, and find it to be much easier to prescribe intensity based off RPE to accomdate fluctuations in performance due to life stressors etc.
They have said 1RM testing is the gold standard for strength measurement and strength training (at the appropriate intensity) and is key for treating chronic disease, sarcopenia and frailty.
They have asked for resources on RPE being better than 1RM training and do not believe RPE to be relevant for exercise intensity.
Are you guys able to help me out to support my claim we should be using RPE?
I’ve listened to the progressive loading podcast but any quick resources/evidence would be good, and any for older adults would be even better to support my claim that we should be implementing RPE would be awesome.