Pivot PB2 to Low fatigue?


I’m currently at a crossroads and would greatly value the opinion of those much wiser than me!
Short training history, 25y/o 5’9 190lbs, been doing BBM templates ~3 years now, last 1.5 VERY consistent training blocks of PB2 and making good muscle gainz and PL gains. Singles the last 3 weeks are currently around S: 450ish hi bar single (switched from low-bar bc elbow pain), bench 240ish, sumo dead 570ish, conv dead 550ish in March. (Wanted to try sumo for a 10 week block)

I’ve debated pivoting to the LFS templates as the training sessions have felt VERY hard/taxing, even with taking off sets from main movers and accessories… My thought is that maybe life stress (new job, lots of travel, etc ) is hitting harder than I thought? I thought I had decided on the Low ISF 3-day a week until I saw baraki’s Instagram post about weathering the life storms and I’m worried as it looks like A LOT less volume compared to PB2.

I’m curious what the recommendation would be with this bit of info. Continue with PB2 and weather the storm, or pivot to 3 or 4 day Low ISF template? And would pivoting to the 3 day reduce my work capacity?

Not to make this any longer, but my thought was also that this reduction in volume might progress my bench as it has not really ever progressed on these “two” templates.

Thanks for all you guys do

I think if you’re enjoying the training program you’re on and making progress over time, it’d be hard to recommend changing programs. The low fatigue templates are not lower volume than the PB templates (even 3 compared to 4-day), however I wouldn’t necessarily change things unless you either a) wanted to, or b) stopped seeing progress and determined a programming change would be needed.

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