Pivot week

Finishing 3 day hypertrophy gpp is it advisable to do a pivot week between templets? Going back to the bridge after. How do you program a pivot week?

IIRC the bridge starts with a low intensity week as designed. Just start the new program and go for it?

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You can take one if you want, but you don’t need to, you can jump right back into The Bridge.

A pivot week is generally a low stress week where you do different lifts that you’d normally not do in training (tempo bench, feet up bench, leg press, lunges, etc etc, take your pick really). It serves as a “washout” to re-sensitize you to the main lifts you normally do. Generally not needed unless you’ve been training a long time. A normal low stress week, like the first week of The Bridge, will serve that purpose for you.

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