Plush muscle/tightness and Weakness

I see a an Art (active release technique) practitioner who said to me that tight muscle is weakness. Is this true? He works on my back and shoulder on my left side plus both hips sometimes. He also said he knew a masseuse who worked on Carl Lewis and said his muscles were plush a like a mango. Was this genetics and/ or regular sport massages plus stretching and mobility work? He is primarily a yoga and Pilates teacher if that’s relevant


Welcome to the forum and thanks for the question. Great to have you here!

Muscle “tightness” does not predict force production, though tightness would have to be defined. Muscles adapt to what’s been asked of them. Resistance training increases ROM in the movements trained, but also increases stiffness in the joint to transfer force from the muscle better.

I’m not sure I’ve ever described a muscle as plush. I am skeptical of how reliable someone’s rating of “tightness” or “plushness” would be.

I think both the ART person and Mr. Lewis’ alleged masseuse are unlikely to be providing accurate information with respect to the musculoskeletal system. I’d ignore and just enjoy the rub down, assuming you like it :slight_smile:


Understood thanks Jordan