Does anyone have any good reads on PNF? Its efficacy/effectiveness, where and when (or if) it is superior to other interventions in certain circumstances/pathologies, etc.
I’ve got a full credit of it right now, and would love some literature to put it into context.
Good luck finding any quality comparative research showing PNF is more effective than anything else…
Based one what I’ve been able to find that is my sense as well… It’s preached as this great thing but doesn’t seem superior to traditional exercise. Just curious if I’m missing something in a neuro population or any other specific pathology.
Nope. Promoted despite the lack of evidence. Put it in the same category as motor control, TVA exercises, anything by Janda, Sahrmann, etc.
Any active movement based method will show benefit. None more effective than the next in sedentary or low functioning populations.
Here is another: neurodynamics
Nerve sliders = painless mid range movements (YMCA) or comfortable movements
Nerve tensioners = painful end range movements or non-mid range uncomfortable movements