Possible Varicocele

Hey guys. I was finishing my top set of front squats today and experienced a sudden, sharp pain over my left testicle. It wasn’t excruciating, but worth investigating immediately. I found a hard lump above that same testicle that I had never noticed before. The pain and tenderness has subsided, but the lump remains. I believe I may be dealing with a varicocele. I will see a GP and I’m sure they will order an ultrasound to evaluate. I was able to finish my session without incident and my inclination is to continue as planned as long as symptoms don’t worsen. Are you aware of any reasons not to train until I’m sure about what’s going on? Do I risk caring any damage beyond some discomfort?


Hey Ryan! Hope you’re doing well.

Unfortunately it’s tough to say what this could be, but it’s unlikely that significant damage would be caused by exercise. If the symptoms are persisting, agree with your plan to get it evaluated.

Thanks!! All is well. I figured it wouldn’t be an issue but was a little concerned because the onset was while lifting. My thought was that the pain was probably coincidental and whatever it is has probably been there for a little while. The physician in the house isn’t too concerned,lol. Just wanted to run it by the forum and see if you had any thoughts based on your experience with trainees and medical issues. Saw a GP to set up a US. He wasn’t at all alarmed by it and the US is scheduled. Thanks again.