I’ve been advised by my urology consultant to rest following a orchiopexy, for 2 weeks. They said to avoid sitting and to instead lay down as much as possible with the testes supported “into” the stomach to help get the inflammation stuff out of the scrotum (or something to that effect). They specifically said no to cycling/running/weightlifting, understandably and as expected.
I am a bit down about the idea of doing absolutely nothing for 2 weeks. Do you think there is anything I can do without causing issues for myself or prolonging the healing? Isolation arm work maybe?
Unfortunately I don’t manage this post-operative situation to provide confident / specific recommendations. However, essentially immobilizing yourself for 2 weeks does sound extreme to me. If I were in this situation I would probably use some form of scrotal support, but continue my routine activities of daily living, walking, etc., even if I temporarily backed off of dedicated exercise training.
Got it, thanks. I actually returned to hospital following a (very painful!) infection post op, now home again with the rest of the antibiotics I need and scrotal support.
Will ensure I avoid all exercise until healed but will keep walking etc as close to normal as possible, without making it worse etc. Thank you! I have a newfound appreciation for all healthcare workers after the last few days, you guys are awesome