Post Covid elevated RHR

I came down with covid the last week of Feb, and had a moderate case that lasted about a week. I’ve noticed since on my Apple Watch that my resting heart rate on average is about 10-ish bpm higher than before covid. Going back to 2019, my RHR was on average in the low/mid 40s, and now in the low/mid 50s. Also noticing that my Zone 2 cardio sessions are at a slower pace than before. Not too concerned given my HR is still at a healthy mark, but wondering if this is a common symptom and estimate how long til I return to baseline, if possible? Does this sound like something I should bring to my primary physician?

Yes, this is common - and in the absence of other issues/symptoms there would not be anything specific that you need to do about it besides continuing your activities and giving it time. There is no specific timeline estimate I can provide here, unfortunately, but weeks to months would be a typical (if vague) timeframe.