post covid training, what do?

I had covid-19 a month ago. Before covid, I had no condition. And I’m 26 years old, male.
I had symptoms such as fever, cough, phlegm, diarrhea, sore throat, chest pain, loss of smell, taste, little out of breath when lying flat. Most of symptoms are gone, now except smell, taste.

I guess evidences for exercise after COVID-19 is likely to be weak, for now.

But, I’m afraid to even restart exercise. I’ll be grateful if you give me any input.
Is running beginner template while cutting down on RPE
great start point?

Here is a guideline on returning to the gym after time off, in general. I would use any sort of special approach after resolution of covid, in general / in the absence of other specific/ongoing issues.

Thank you for your kind response, sir.

I have another question.
What could be a red flag sign during/after training?

These are not unique to covid, but chest pain, extreme shortness of breath, persistent dizziness, loss of consciousness, and similar symptoms would benefit from medical evaluation.