Hi BBM team,
it’s looking likely that the gyms will re open in the UK very soon.
just want some advice on what templates to run and in what order to get back to where I was (4month without heavy barbell training)
I was near the end of strength 1 before Covid.
my goals are to loose a little bit of weight but my main goal is strength as I really want to compete at some point.
The templates I own are: strength 1, powerbuilding 1 and hypertrophy 1 I know you also have a free back to the gym template that was in one of your news letters.
so just a idea of how you would advise I go forward would be great thanks again.
I would start with the back-to-the-gym template and then pick whatever program you want to use, based on your goals, from there.
Thanks Jordan
With my main goal being strength am I best running a shorter hypertrophy block maybe last 5 weeks of hyper 1 then last 5 weeks of powerbuilding 1 and the strength 1 repeat ? Or do you suggest I run the templates from start to finish ? As I have been.
10week hypertrophy block is a longish time to be away from lower rep ranges ? How long does your hypertrophy phases normally last 3-6 weeks ?
thanks again.
I think if you are mainly interested in strength, it’d be difficult to recommend something other than our strength templates. I’d probably just run Strength I after the back-to-the-gym template. You could run a short hypertrophy block, e.g. 3-6 weeks in between strength templates, sure.
Thanks Jordan
so my only problem is I can only train 3 days a week and I do the GPP at home with adjustable dumbbells and a pull up bar.
so going forward I will do your back to the gym template followed by strength 1 and do 3-6 weeks of either powerbuilding or hypertrophy 1 to do between the strength 1 template.
are there other 3 day strength specific templates ?
if none that you suggest I will stick with strength 1 and play around with exercise selection.
thanks again.
Yea, we don’t have any other purely strength templates that are 3 days per week. You could take one of the 4-day templates and spread it out over 3 days, of course.
Great idea Jordan
if I get strength II and III what are the differences ?
and how would you go about splitting it up over 3 days ? Could I have an example or a few about how you would go about this please?
for example would you suggest rolling the day’s over so day 1 Sunday, day 2 Tuesday, day 3, Thursday and day 4 on Sunday so effectively making the template run longer?
Strength III has more volume, let’s you pick your own exercises, and is set up a bit differently.
I would do:
Day 1:
Comp Squat
Supplemental Bench
Supplemental Pull
Supplemental Bench
Day 2
Comp Bench
Supplemental Squat
Supplemental Bench
Day 3
Comp Deadlift
Supplemental bench
Supplemental Squat
Supplemental Bench
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