Post workout shake

I’ve been effective at losing weight by eating only morning/dinner and having pshake for lunch/post workout. But I am deciding how to best optimize the pshake based on constraints from doing BJJ, working out, and weight loss.

Ideally I work out sometime between 11-2pm and have the shake after. That doesn’t always workout that way though and I have to:

  1. Workout right after breakfast, very early in the day, and a few hours before BJJ
  2. Work out a few hours after BJJ in the afternoon and finish 2 hours before dinner.

If I wasn’t losing weight I would just have 2 pshakes, but since I’m limited to 1 shake, a normal postworkout shake would

  1. Would be early in the day and I’d have to make it a long time to dinner with no food. Hunger sets in hard.
  2. Would mean going into my workout hungry, which isn’t ideal… and the pshake after is very close to my next meal. The opposite problem of #1.

So I’ve been keeping the shake between the 11-2pm by

  1. Having it AFTER BJJ a few hours later.
  2. Having it right before the workout

Is this fine or should I do what I can to prioritize the pshake right after working out?

From an outcome standpoint, e.g. body composition, weight management, muscle mass, strength, etc., I don’t think there is going to be a big difference with either approach.

I think the constraints of your dietary pattern may be useful for weight loss, but have some gaps when it comes to performance and, potentially, long term adherence. I also am having difficulty seeing a situation where 2 protein shakes would be problematic for weight management.

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