I’ve been effective at losing weight by eating only morning/dinner and having pshake for lunch/post workout. But I am deciding how to best optimize the pshake based on constraints from doing BJJ, working out, and weight loss.
Ideally I work out sometime between 11-2pm and have the shake after. That doesn’t always workout that way though and I have to:
- Workout right after breakfast, very early in the day, and a few hours before BJJ
- Work out a few hours after BJJ in the afternoon and finish 2 hours before dinner.
If I wasn’t losing weight I would just have 2 pshakes, but since I’m limited to 1 shake, a normal postworkout shake would
- Would be early in the day and I’d have to make it a long time to dinner with no food. Hunger sets in hard.
- Would mean going into my workout hungry, which isn’t ideal… and the pshake after is very close to my next meal. The opposite problem of #1.
So I’ve been keeping the shake between the 11-2pm by
- Having it AFTER BJJ a few hours later.
- Having it right before the workout
Is this fine or should I do what I can to prioritize the pshake right after working out?