Press for shoulder health and thank you

Hey Barbell Medicine Crew,

Ive been trying to become better at programming for myself instead of just using cookie cutter programs that I see on the internet. And of course i came to the conclusion that listening to you guys would be my best route in order to expand my very small knowledge base on programming. So I listened to your 3 part programming podcast and your RPE podcast with Mike Tuchscherer. Those podcasts being the only ones I’ve ever been able to sit down and listen to. So go ahead and give yourself a round of applause cause you just accomplished a monumental feat. (Plays audience clapping track).

ANYWAYS. Long story… long. Ive had shoulder surgery on both shoulders. Both were from playing rugby. Left shoulder for SLAP Tear and rotator cuff “fraying” in December 2017 and Right shoulder for Posterior Labrum Tear in March 2018. Rehab went well and after I read your article on Pain (really skimmed if were being truthful, SORRY DR. BARAKI) I noticed an almost immediate reduction in discomfort. Basically I stopped getting in my own head since these shoulder surgeries gave me extreme anxiety about getting reinjured that resulted in me having to take medication for several months. I started to really feel that I would never be able to bench press and overhead press again even though my surgeon gave me the green light and said i had no restrictions. Then after watching several youtube videos of yours on training and pain. It finally clicked in my head that even if i got injured its always better to train. Ive been off the medication for months now and have never felt happier about my life. You guys have really inspired me to completely change my current direction in life. Ive switched majors from Computer science to Kinesiology and Pre Physical Therapy. Im debating on switching to chemistry or biology as my major but the main point is that i want to help people like you helped me. So thank you.

Sorry about that long winded paragraph of emotion.

ACTUAL QUESTIONS: I found the bridge in my knowledge seeking journey for programming. I noticed that you only had pressing once a week. And It makes me wonder do I even need to do pressing to maintain shoulder health or is just bench pressing with correct programming fine? Is the press going to be particularly important given my past shoulder health history?

Hey there - welcome to the forum, and thanks for telling us about your story! We love hearing these sorts of things.

Regarding your question: “Shoulder health” is a vague, poorly defined term. There is no reason that any “push / pull” ratio or “bench / press ratio”, for example (as you’ll hear on the internet), automatically presents any particular risk to the shoulder. What is more important when it comes to pain and injury is load management. You should be fine on the Bridge, but over time you will learn the sorts of things you respond better / worse to, or you may develop some preferences towards one lift over the other, and individualize your program accordingly.