Press Question - Fatigue

On 02/09/18(Friday) during my training I pressed 175lbs for a set of 3@10. Then on 02/12/18(Monday) I attempted to press 180lbs and could not get a the bar to move. Any ideas as to what happens there? I thought I would atleast get one rep. I’m an intermediate trainee right now trying to do my best with the screwed up work schedule I have.

Unfortunately we don’t have nearly enough information about you to be helpful here.

Ok sorry about that. I’m 73.5” tall and 222lbs on most days. My work schedule has me flopping from days to nights frequently and I work a 12 your shift. I worked Friday, Saturday, and Sunday days (5:15-17:30) and was off on Monday. I usually try and get atleast 7 hours of sleep when I’m working and eating best I can, but not trying to gain weight. Right now it’s really hard to adhear to a program for me until I get use to this schedule.

5x bar
5x bar
5x 135@6
3x 155@7
3x 175@10
6x 145@9

5x bar
5x bar
5x 135@6
attempt at 180 and failed
5x 155@9
5x 155@9
6x 135@8

Looking at this, a few things stand out-
You pressed 175 for 3 reps at RPE 10 on Friday, that means you had no more reps left in you for that set, kind of maximal, right? You took nice even jumps that session.
Then the next session you took a jump of 45 lbs to attempt 180 for 2 more reps than your last session. The jump up in reps, the RPE 10 the previous session, and the very large jump this time all provide some explanation for the miss. I am sure that the large jump is what led to not getting even one.

In the future, I’d keep your jumps the same, and remember that if you are adding reps, the bar weight will most likely need to be lower, not higher. I’d also add another warm up set between the bar and the 135 in the future.

Thanks for your response. I’ll add a 95 lb warm-up in between and try small jumps and more consistent. Currently just trying to figure out how to work up to a heavy single at RPE 8 and then some back-off work sets. My training isn’t very consistent yet so right now I’m just trying to maintain my strength until I figure out how to program around my schedule.