progressing myorep sets over time

Austin explains myorep sets in a session here (post #11):

Cool. But how are you folks progressing these across sessions? There are multiple ways to increase stress: the activation weight, the activation reps, and the number of x5 sets completed. What is recommended or common?

Good job for searching the forums.

I increase weights once I can get the full activation set and the full 5 reps for each of the 5 myoreps.

Assume a myrep prescription as follows: activation set 14 to 16 reps, 3 to 5 sets of 5 reps each.
So say one week on rows I use 65kgs and get 14+5+5+5+4, the next week I will repeat 65kgs.
Say the following week I again use 65kgs and get 16+5+5+5+5+4, then the following week I will increase the weight to 67.5kgs.
Rinse and repeat.

You may also find some examples in some people’s logs.

I figure myoreps are much more about accumulating volume and less about the weight on the bar, so I preferred to add reps til I got 4 or so sets of 5 before adding some weight. I don’t think you can go wrong either way though

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Teddy’s approach seems logical, though I don’t see a reason to limit yourself to 5 sets. Think I did 8 or 9 sets of 5 with shoulder presses last week (after only hitting 3 or 4 sets the week before with the same weight… lol).

Basically, it’s not something I would worry too much about. This is my first time doing myoreps, so I’m just kind of having fun with it and experimenting. Sometimes my activation set isn’t an @8 because it’s too light.

Just get practice with it and I think progression will come pretty naturally. Volume is what really matters and you’ll know when something is too easy or too hard.

I do both but gauge in RPE.

I also began adding weight session to session, but then realized I was more or less turning Myoreps into LP with a 14 rep warm up set. Limiting sets isn’t doing Myoreps. The key is the rest-pause like rest periods and volume.

If you want to get all purist about it, here it is straight from the horses mouth.

Are the sets following the activation @10 ? I feel like they would logically be. Is that how you guys log them? 14-16 @8, 5@10, 5@10, 4­@10?

That makes sense. Thanks!