Hey everyone. I love the bbm programming the only downside for me is I find the training kills my squat. I find when using the templates my bench does well my deadlift goes up a bit but my squat completely falls off. For example I had a 250 x5 max when I finished SSLP and moved to the bbm templates. My squat dropped to under 200 lbs. I was wondering if anyone had any tips or ways to help build the squat up to drive the number up?
Usually lifts drop in weight at first when the training volume increases. However increasing the volume is the only way to make progress in the long run.
I am currently doing the Bridge, I have a training log in bbm forums. My deadlift, bench and press have improved more than my squat. However, I think that I will hit squat PR:s when the program uses lower reps and volume for the squat. Maybe you could try “peaking” with your squat?
I have been running into an issue with time and lifting at home has been great but now my wife is complaining about lifting 4 days a week so I was considering switching to the bridge. I was thinking of trying to mix in some overload work and thought that might help take my squat up the next level