Prowler for HIIT - Hypertrophy Bias


ive been doing rows and the stationary bike for LISS and HIIT and want to switch it up. The prowler seems like a fun form of cardio, but I’m not sure how it will affect recovery between high bar squat day and deficit deadlift day.

Would you recommend doing prowler for my hiit sesh on the otherwise rest day? Or would it be more reasonable to tack it on after one of the resistance training sessions to leave a full day for rest?

I would normally just feel it out, but the hypertrophy bias is half over, and I don’t want to bonk on deficits when I would otherwise progress.


I read your screen name as “hamster flex” originally, which made me chuckle so thank you :slight_smile:

As far as how a prowler session will affect your training, I don’t think it will in any meaningful way- especially from a hypertrophy or strength training perspective. I would personally do the conditioning on a day I wasn’t lifting, but whatever is more convenient for you is fine.


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I can be hamsterflex if you’d like.

plot twist, there was no turf or outdoor space to push the prowler. I pushed the metal prowler on a rubber floor.