I’ve just started lifting again after around 7 years - I’m 27 now, 5ft 10, 80kg BW
I started running SL 5x5 as a platform to get back into training as It is a program I’m familiar with.
After around 4 weeks into training I’ve developed knee pain in both knees that sounds a lot like quad tendinitis from what I’ve researched.
Pain when squatting as I approach parallel, when getting up from sitting and going up and down stairs. The pain is at the top of the patella where the quad meets the knee.
Never experienced this in the past - should I stop squatting to parallel or below whilst I work on recovery?
Once I’ve warmed up there is no pain in the sessions - but it comes on later that day and into the following day.
Seems to be a lot of different techniques are information out there regarding this so I don’t really know where to start!
Also, I was wondering what could have caused it to come on - is it a technique issue? I squat low bar so would have thought less torque on the knees and more hip.
Any advice appreciated!