Consistent Knee Pain Advice

Hey Dr’s,

I’ve been following your programs for the last 5 or so years and love them. Recently when squatting I have been having knee pain on both the inside and outside of my left knee for about 5 months. I first tried the knee pain rehab program but was still having the same amount and location of pain after finishing it. I went to the doctor and they didn’t think I had any tear or anything and diagnosed me with tendonitis.

I continue to have pain in my knee, but only when I am squatting. I can leg press with very minor discomfort at RPE 7/8 and have been utilizing that, but as soon as I put a bar on my back knee pain comes back. I can also deadlift with minimal discomfort as well. Any advice would be appreciated in next steps I should try.

Thank you!

Hi there,

Sorry to hear about this. It’s hard to know exactly how you’ve been approaching your own rehab training, but we have a few important resources that I’d recommend.

I’d first recommend reading this article (and listening to the accompanying podcast #289):

I suspect some of these scenarios might apply to your situation. If you continue to have difficulty managing this on your own with the use of our freely available content, the next step could involve a consultation with our rehab team.