Question about exercise order over the training week

Since I recently created an account here I figured I can ask a question because this was on my mind for some time. I hope that it makes some sense.

The programs that I’ve seen/bought like Hypertrophy II have the “main movements” earlier in the week and the variations later. I.e. Squat, Deadlift, Squat variation, DL variation.
Why this split rather than spacing the “main movements” more apart, something like: Squat, DL variation, Squat variation, DL?

I think that fatigue builds over the week along with the likelihood people may run short on time and miss them. Thus, I put the “priority” movements earlier in the rotation.

And I think that Powerbuilding programs have a slightly different setup with 1 main movement per day? Could templates like Hypertrophy be organized like Powerbuilding (or vice-versa)?

I’m not sure what you mean re: PB templates have 1 main movement per day, but yes, there are lots of ways to organize training based on preferences, resources, and goals.

Sorry, I meant that in the powerbuilding template each day has 1 competition movement while in hypertrophy II competition movements are at the beginning of the week.

So, the hypertrophy template does not have any competition movements given its design. Each day’s first movement is typically the heaviest, most skill-intensive, etc and this is spread over 4 days. I would not combine them like a powerlifting-focused program would, but that’s just my opinion. You could try it out if you like!