Powerlifting II schedule

Hey Jordan/Austin,

I just finished up one of the legacy 3 day hypertrophy templates as a wash block. I purchased and am now about to start up Powerlifting II. This is my first 4 day template done of yours so my question is on the training week set up.

Should day 1 and 2 be done consecutively (for example Monday and Tuesday)? I find this surprising as this would be back to back days of comp squat, bench and DL. And then, confusingly, in the pdf reading material it says you recommend putting lifting days non consecutively or is that only relevant for 3 day programs?

thanks for the help!

Hi Ryan and welcome! Yes, that wording there is a bit off. For the 4 day templates, we suggest training M/Tu/Th/Fr, but you can certainly alter that. That is not set in stone. You will adapt to the training schedule and be ready for the Day 2. Using RPE is going to help you regulate the training load here, and you should see progress on both your Day 1 and 2 lifts.

Hi Leah! Thanks a ton for the clarification. I’ll keep to that schedule. As for DL placement do you think it would be alright to swap comp DL to Day 4 and Overload DL to Day 2? This way I can separate the comp squat and comp DL further apart. This was how all my training was with the many Bridge versions i did and why I am surprised Powerlifting II is set up this way.

You can, sure, though I don’t think it will make much difference in the long run. In short, you’ll get used to whatever training setup you do :slight_smile: