Question regarding programming for PCT

Hello, everyone! I have what may be construed as a controversial, or taboo, question regarding Anabolics. Being mostly involved with strongman and powerlifting, it’s not surprising though so here goes.

A friend of mine just did his first cycle at 28, for 12 weeks and the gains were astronomical! He did tell his doctor and got blood work every month and his markers were all good. He was severely undertrained due to a heroin addiction and not training for almost a year. Now he is asking me what he should do to minimize any loss in strength and muscle mass. He gained 50 lb and put 200 pounds on his bench press with similar gains for Squat and deadlift. He is starting PCT but does anyone have any suggestions on training protocols for the next couple of months? I did not do his programming while he was on cycle but he is definitely a hard worker and I mean dedicated!

I would imagine his Extreme volume would need to be lowered, reduce the frequency of his bench press as he benched 4 times a week. And I believe we should keep some intensity to maintain as much strength as he can. This is my first time facing this so any advice would be great.


Thanks for the post and I hope all is well.

  1. “Blood work” every month would not be useful for monitoring anabolic use and health effects. I doubt your friend did that anyway, but just wanted to point that out.
  2. There is no need to do a “PCT-specific” program, as the body has adapted to previous programming.
  3. Your friend may benefit from working with an addiction specialist.


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Thank you! As for the addiction specialist, he has been down that road many times over the last 8 years. Although not out of the woods yet, he has been clean from opioids for 6 months now.

That’s great to hear, however I would be concerned that he is now using anabolic steroids.