Rack handles w/ SSB

What is the purpose of rack handles, when using a SSB? I saw one of the your training vlogs on YouTube in which Jordan was using band pegs on the racks uprights as handles while doing SSB squats. Is that for balance or do you actually pull on them? Jordan may have covered it in the video, but I saw it a while back and I couldn’t find it again. Thanks

Hatfield squats, as they’re known, can be a cheap alternative to the leg press and/or belt squat with the “handles” allowing for a more upright position. They’re cool far a supplemental squat sometimes.

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Ok, thanks. I got new bar a couple of weeks ago and wanted to try some different squat exercises. I tried these, Hatfield Squats, for one of the accessory squats on the hypertrophy template. I like them.

Interesting. I’ve seen these before but never knew the rationale or thought of them in that way. So basically you’re sparing your back some fatigue while getting your leg work in, then? I’ll have to try this out (home gym with SSB but no leg press, or room for one). When I did the hypertrophy template last fall, I tried using a landmine belt squat setup as a replacement for leg press, but it was fairly awkward. I wonder if this would work out better.

I tried using a landmine belt squat setup as a replacement for leg press, but it was fairly awkward

me too, I’m not a fan of the landmine belt squat. I like Landmine squats without the belt, but it’s a bit tough to maintain a good grip when I get tired.