Alternative to belt squat machine

Hey Docs!

I am looking for a good replacement for the Belt Squat exercise. I am thinking about doing the Hatfield Squat or a front squat in its place.

I am currently doing another round of the four day low fatigue strength template. I’m on day 2 of week 8, and the suggested 3rd exercise is belt squats. I workout at home, and although I have a belt squat attachment on my squat rack, it is not effective for squats (it’s the simple lever attachment, not a true belt squat attachment). So I am considering Hatfield Squats or front squats (or perhaps something else that you guys might suggest).

Now, I’m assuming one of the reasons the Belt Squat is suggested is to give the back muscles a break and really challenge the legs more still.

My concern with my substations are:

the Hatfield Squad is still a lot of load through the back (especially after deadlifts, but I am not opposed to it!)


My front squat would really limit the weight I could lift (but maybe this is the magical missing link that will turn me into Dan Green, right?)

I know I could also a whole slew of lunge variations (including using my disappointing level attachment


I would favor the Hatfield squat or Hatfield split squat given where you’re at in the program. Alternatively, SSB Front squats (the bar flipped around) might be feasible so that the rack position isn’t limited by your upper limbs, but rather upper back and trunk strength. The intent of the exercise is as you mention, a leg exercise with limited trunk loading. With the upper body support on Hatfield variations, I think you can get pretty close. A cowboy squat would be an at-home option too. Those are fun!


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Thanks for the suggestions, Jordan! I’m thinking I’ll go with the Hatfield squats. However, I have never heard of the Cowboys squats. I try to look it up, but I found very different versions (most of them seemed to be a rehab exercise where people sit down onto a Physio ball and bounce up out of it). There was one person that talked about holding a medicine ball above your head, and then doing a ploymetric jump squat. Is there a particular version you suggest?

Mike T turned me onto this one when we were in London for a conference in 2019. This is what I looks like with me doing it the first time. See attached.

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Thank you kindly! I will check this out.