Any particular advice for rack pulls at midshin when my rack does not go that low. Lowest the pins go puts it right above the knee. Which seems drastically different.Thought about trying to rig up some boxes to pull from or just getting a local guy to continue punching holes down the rack for me. Or is there a better substitute for the time being? Would it be better to do a paused deadlift over pulling from pins that are that high? I am running the HLM template and definitely want to keep my pulling volume up. Just not sure if above the knee pulls are as worth while.
Welcome! You can do block pulls from stacked bumper plates, if you have them. You can certainly pull from blocks. Or you can cut a rubber mat, stack up a couple pieces and stand that, raising yourself up in the rack.
If above knee pulls were the only option, I would to paused DLs, yes.
Never occured to me to raise myself up in the rack! Good tip. Im gonna try that.
I ran into the same issue at my gym, so I used the hex bar as the handles put me about mid-shin. Would this be an ok substitution?
I too would be interested on some feedback on this suggestion. I’m in the same position as the OP (bottom position on rack is too high), so I’ve been pulling off a two pairs of 45lb plates. This gets me to about the right height, but the bar rolls around when I set it down and it doesn’t feel too good, tbh. Will try to rig up a solution where I can find something to stand on (great suggestion, thanks Leah!), but there doesn’t seem to be anything I can use in my gym, so I’m probably going to have to rock up carrying a load of DIY stuff, which is less than ideal too