Starting position for Rack Pulls

I am on a HLM program and have Rack Pulls occasionally programed as my heavy day pulling lift. I know that you guys are strictly of the opinion that the bar postion should be at the middle of the shins whereas Rip wants it to be where the quadriceps tendon attaches to the knee (which should be just below the knee cap). I have tried both set ups and find that there is not a hugh difference with respect to the amount of weight I could pull (even though the ROM differs noticeably). Could you be so kind and briefly explain why you think the bar should start at mid shin as opposed to right below knee level? Could it be along the lines of an explanation Matt Reynolds once gave about the deficit DL where he states that the deficit must not be more than about 2 inches since otherwise the back angle differs too much from a regular DL preventing sufficient carry-over?

Thanks in advance!

We are not “strictly of that opinion” at all, and have never said this. We’ve all done rack pulls from both positions.

There are reasons to use various heights on the rack pull, depending on the individual lifter and the amount of specificity vs. overload you’re looking for.

Sorry Austin, I guess I just jumped to my conclusion since I once read Jordan advicing one forum member to make sure to statrt the Rack Pulls from mid shin. My brain wrongly made a generalization out of this. Just out of curiosity (and also because the topic could be of interest for others too as I might derive from another post about Rack Pulls yesterday) could you shortly elaborate on when you use the different starting positions programming wise?

To avoid duplicating efforts, let’s try to consolidate the discussion there - check out the other thread and add further questions you may have there.