Rep range for clean variations.

What’s the highest rep range you feel ok about for power cleans/hang cleans/block cleans?

Same for all variations?

I want to hang clean in place of rows in beginner template and move rows to GPP day. Cleans to first movement and pressing to 3rd movement of day 2 in phase 2. 10s seem inappropriate.

Not trying to maximize hypertrophy, just want to include some higher velocity movements for variation in that regard. Hang clean was a favorite from highschool and I want to revisit to see if I still like it.

It all depends what I’m programming them for. Probably 1-5 reps for high velocity force production, which is what I assume you’re interested in. I wouldn’t make that programming change in the beginner template. I’d just do some hang cleans at the end of day 1 instead.
