Rest pause for beginners and for those limited by time

I have question about rest pause. I know that you recommend longer rest between exercises but what about beginners who are not able to perform exercises with high intensity and are able to do another series after e.g. 30-60s rest is still benefit to wait 2-3 minutes?

And another one. Can good cardiovascular fitness offset the negative aspect of too-short rest intervals by some degree? Is this an option for people who want hypertrophy adaptation and have little time to combine, for example, a superset of upper and lower body exercises with a shorter interval?

I would not program a shorter rest period in for those individuals either. I do think the existing evidence supports a longer rest period for virtually all levels of trainees.

No, high levels of conditioning do not appear to make up for a short rest period. Hypertrophy and strength results are still generally worse when using short rest periods.

Supersetting using agonist- antagonist (bench and rows) or peripheral-agonist (squat and bench) both can work well, but short rest periods between supersets is still not recommended.


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