Returning to gym doing bodybuilding template


So, my gym shut down until early January. I was wrapping up the Beginner Template (I was in week 12.3), so I was ready to move on to some new programming. Given that I am now left to my own devices training at home, I am using the little equipment I have to do my best approximation of following the Bodybuilding Template at home.

Since I am doing a modified Block I of the BB Template, should I re-run Block I (with the default exercise selection) when I go back to the gym if I have not been doing the movements that I plan to do when returning to the gym (e.g. I would like to bench press and leg press when I get back to the gym, but will not be able to do so at home)?

I hope this question makes sense. My thought is that it would make sense to repeat Block I’s programming with the exercises I would be able to do in a gym and get adapted to those before moving on to Block II’s programming. So, I would be “starting” the Bodybuilding Template the day I go back to the gym.

Thank you!


I think you can just move onto Block II if you want.

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