Rogue R3 Bolt Together - 24" or 30"?

I am finally pulling the trigger on a home gym setup. I have decided on everything except the depth of the Rogue R3 I will purchase. I believe Austin has a standard welded R3 with a 24" depth, but in the equipment recommendations a 30" depth rack is recommended.

I (barely) have the space in my basement for 30" so am leaning that way, but is there a reason for a strong preference one way or another? Are there any exercises that can’t be done in a 24" rack (box squats, good mornings, etc.)?

I will occasionally have a lifting partner and will get spotter arms so one bar can be used inside the back uprights and another outside the front uprights, but I’m assuming this could be done at either 24" or 30"?

Thanks everyone for your help and the BM team for all their work,


If you have room for the 30" and are going to have two people routinely using the same rack, I’d go with that one.

With that said, I’ve never had any issues or felt any “space” limitations in my 24" either.

Awesome, thanks Austin.

I am no authority on the subject, but I had trouble with a 24" depth squat rack. if i was squatting and trying to warm up for my press between working sets, the weights would hit if I had 45’s on each bar.

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@Austin_Baraki : I was admiring your setup in the “SQUATS w/ the Barbell Medicine Crew” video on YouTube. Do you have your R3 racks bolted into the floor, or just into your platforms? If the latter, what kind of stability do they seem to have…? Thanks in advance!