Rounding up when subtracting -5% AND dip 1RM calculation

If I do RPE 9 for 8 reps at 245LBS then I’m supposed to do -5% of RPE9 for 8 reps, it’s 232.75 LBS. Should I round up or down? Usually I just do what I feel, for example if it says to do 3 sets until RPE 9 again then usually I’ll round down so I don’t hit RPE9 on the first set.

Also, when doing dips am I calculating my 1RM using the added weight? So if I can do body weight +60 for 1 rep then my 1RM is 60? Or do I include body weight?

It doesn’t matter really, but rounding down sounds fine to me.

For dips, I would sum your BW and any added weight.

That’s very helpful. Thank you