I’ve been taking a look at both RPE charts found in the Bridge e book and I have also calculated some working weights with the percent and it seems to be accurate. (Starting the Bridge program here shortly)
Couple of questions however.
- Alan (and I think it mentioned it in the ebook) said that RPE “generally speaking” is around 5%. If your E1RM is ~325 then that means the weights used for 5@8 would be 265. He says that 5@9 would be (265 x 1.05) = 278. But if I were to bypass the ( 5@8 x 1.05) and find 5@9 using the chart from the e book, 5@9 would be ( 325 x .84) 273. That’s a whole 5 lbs difference. Can’t that change your entire perception about the set? Can’t just “add 5%” set you up for overshooting an RPE especially doing a supplemental movement ( ex. 2 ct pause squat)
I am not disputing Alan, I am just missing something here.
- Assume someone has finished the LP at 220 for 3x5@9 (E1RM = 261.9 or just simply 260) and the first workout for belted squats are: 5@6, 5@7, 5@8.
@6 is a warm up weight so we will leave that alone.
The appropriate weight for @7 would be (260 x .79) 205 lbs. Let’s say that this individual did this set and was rated @6.5. Does that mean that the individual must recalculate their E1RM based of that 205 for 5@6.5?(I am using 6.5 because the percentage for @6 is not on the % chart) Would the individual go with 3rd set A or B?
A for 5@8 would be 210 (260 E1RM)
B for 5@8 would be now 215 (266 (265 to round it) E1RM)
Or do I finish the 3 sets at E1RM of 260 and then add 5 lbs after the workout?
My apologizes if this post was long.