RPE from Tuscherer table and dropping as fatigue rises


Re: Query about programmed vs actual RPE due to accumulation of fatigue throughout workout

I have somewhat lousy RPE estimation skills - but say I want to do 5x5 at RPE 6 on avg.

I often start the day with a single at RPE8 (92%) and so by the time my working sets have started I have a little fatigue already.

So I have found pre-selecting weights based on Tuscherer’s theoretical RPE-percentage table as follows helps…is this a legit and sensible way of doing things so long as it keeps my actual rpe close to the desired one (6 for me as I totally can’t handle much higher on a long term basis) ?

set 1: aim for RPE 5.5 to feel like 6
set 2: aim for rpe 5.0 to feel like 6
Set 3 aim for RPE 5.0 and hope for best!
set4: aim for RPE 4.5 and might feel like 6
set 5: aim for rpe 4 or 4.5 and might feel like 6+

any thoughts much appreciated!

I wouldn’t recommend pre-selecting weights, especially not for RPE 4 to 5. You don’t need to be perfect (or even good) at rating your exertion, provided you can apply the same (flawed?) scale each time. That said, you’re likely to be way better at reflecting how hard a set was than a calculator.

I also wouldn’t expect the 5x5 @ RPE 6 to be different in load with our without a 1 @ 8 before it, as the 1 @ 8 isn’t really that fatiguing for someone where 5x5 @ 6 would be appropriate. I’d also be concerned with a lifter that can’t handle > RPE 6. To me, that suggests a need to develop capacity…we are trying to lift heavy weights here, right?

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