Re: Query about programmed vs actual RPE due to accumulation of fatigue throughout workout
I have somewhat lousy RPE estimation skills - but say I want to do 5x5 at RPE 6 on avg.
I often start the day with a single at RPE8 (92%) and so by the time my working sets have started I have a little fatigue already.
So I have found pre-selecting weights based on Tuscherer’s theoretical RPE-percentage table as follows helps…is this a legit and sensible way of doing things so long as it keeps my actual rpe close to the desired one (6 for me as I totally can’t handle much higher on a long term basis) ?
set 1: aim for RPE 5.5 to feel like 6
set 2: aim for rpe 5.0 to feel like 6
Set 3 aim for RPE 5.0 and hope for best!
set4: aim for RPE 4.5 and might feel like 6
set 5: aim for rpe 4 or 4.5 and might feel like 6+
any thoughts much appreciated!