I am on the 5th week of the bridge and I havent made any gains and i am failing alot of reps and all my lifts have gone down since starting this program
After ss my lifts were 115/225/185/315 right now they are like 110/215/180/285 prolly why do i not make any gains on this program and my lifts go down i they should be going up
It might not work for you for a million reasons, yes. But it is always easier to blame the tool than to understand and evolve…
Totally thought it was satire from the first post but now unsure
Wait, maybe the reason I didn’t do well on the HLM program is just because RPE is bullshit.
If you are failing reps then your are over shooting the rpe . This can cause to much fatigue .i would readjust your working weights give it another go .
yes I lower them then the week is fine next week i fail the rpe and have to lower. I have never been able to go up in weight only down
Matt Reynolds has deposited $0.10 into your bank account
Imagine a place where someone questions “settled science” and is immediately derided and clubbed by the acolytes. Then open your eyes and see where you are.
This is your first clue. You shouldn’t be failing reps in training or on the bridge. I would council anyone starting the bridge to read the whole ebook and not go straight to the program and start doing it.
When are you failing reps? Can you be more specific? First work set? Last work set? Early/late in the set? How are you determining your working weights? The more specific you are, the more help we can be.
I would encourage you you not to write off rpe as a useful tool after only 5 weeks of using it. You may just not have figured out how to use is effectively yet.
I usually fail reps near the end of sets and have to lower, im getting working weight from the chart in the ebook. Also any squat set above rpe 6 feels like an rpe 10
It’s perfectly feasible you’re a non responder to the Bridge type programming. I’m not sure why you’re first take on that would be RPE is BS. If you’re getting weaker, you’re getting weaker. RPE has nothing to do with that.
I’m about 70% confident you’re a troll and not even doing the Bridge, but on the off chance you actually are genuine – what is your training history? What lifts are actually going down? What does your diet look like? Any changes to sleep pattern, stress levels or diet that coincided with starting the Bridge?
im doing the bridge. sqat and deadlift went down the most and bench and ohp went down 5lbs. my diet is good i started using mfp and getting 200p 240c 60f, 8 hours of sleep. i dont know why i keep getting weaker when i started I wasnt failing anything but now i am failing and lowered lifts
Heavy squats feel heavy.
What factors are you using to judge rpe? It sounds like maybe you’re just overshooting your rpe. Try to be a bit more conservative, and practice evaluating your performance on each set. Pay attention to bar speed, technique degradation, tangible signs of effort like breathing and muscular exertion, changes from rep to rep, and total physical “gestalt.” Depending on your athletic background, it may just take you a while to get a feel for it. Rating rpe is a skill.
Also, come into each workout with a plan. I always have a target weight based on my last workout with that exercise. So, if I squatted 400x1@8 the last time I squatted, I might come in aiming to hit ~385x1@7 for my last warmup, and take my next jump based on how that goes.
Hope this helps.
This thread has the same title as a now deleted thread in the off topic forum on SS. Hmmm…
Do you have a training log we can look at to see where things could have gone wrong? Any form videos we could see to estimate your RPE?
should i calculate rpe from the chart in the book using my maxes or just go by feel?
Go by the chart based on reps in reserve (e.g. 2 reps in reserve = rpe 8).
You also took a break at week 3, had poor compliance with the program in other ways and you’ve only been tracking macros since the start of the month.
I’d stop stressing and keep practicing. I also wouldn’t change many of the training variables for your next block of training because you haven’t got much good data from this block other than poor compliance can yield poor results.
I would also start an actual log of some description immediately.
You should input some training data (e1rm of all of the lifts you are currently doing on the bridge) into TRAC and use the training computer to give you target weights to hit in that session.
I can’t remember if you started using TRAC or not but if you are refusing, you should calculate target weights from the rpe chart using your maxes (TRAC training computer can do this for you.) to give you target weights to hit in that session and adjust accordingly.
What is your previous training history? Have you done a linear progression?
200% youve all got trolled